Saturday, February 27, 2010

My first blog

I am joining the club...5 years ago, if some one had asked me,"Hey dude! do you blog?", I would have given him the crazy look and would have recommended him to some psycho doc. Me and writing!! wow...seems a strange marriage..I hated writing so much, that once I got a C in my Economics subject at college because I just couldn't get myself to fill 10 pages of the answer booklet.(p.s. it was also due to the fact that I couldn't for the world fathom what Keynesian theory is all about :P).The point is, I never imagined that one day, I will willingly sit down and pen down my thoughts and reminiscence of the good old days.

Here is to my new muse then!


  1. @abt me - yo yo statement... :)
    @eco - now i know the reason... :P

    keep posting SINGHISTAN

  2. Thanks Khan...many more to come..and Kgp and our friendship will be a special part of it for sure!
